Checking Soil Erosion

The Himalayan region suffers from soil erosion by wind and water action. Furthermore, Glaciation, melting snow and rainfall in the mountains cause leaching of the nutrients (e.g., Iodine) from mountain soils and create deficiencies in micronutrients. Traditional methods such as contour bending, mulching, and terracing, contour farming have been in use to prevent soil loss and augment moisture conservation in Himalayan agriculture. Measures for Soil conservation would help to improve soils, prevent soil loss, conserve moisture and maintain the productivity of soil. These methods include use of shelterbelts and earth basins with infiltration pits and engineering measures as construction of check dams, gabion walls. This manual describes few of these methods, their benefits, design, steps for setting up and role in preventing soil loss and augmenting moisture conservation.


There are several key elements to effective shelterbelt design. The elements that need to be considered are height, length, density, location, number of rows and the species to be used..

Check Dams and Gabion walls

Check dams have traditionally been implemented in two main environments: across channel bottoms and on hilly slopes. Check dams are used primarily to control water velocity..

Earth basins with infiltration pits

Earth basins are square or diamond shaped small collection areas, constructed to capture and hold all rainwater that falls on the field. Earth basins are suitable in arid and semi-arid areas..