Weather-related services at LAC

These measures for adaptation to climate change are responsible when long-range and short-range weather forecasts are made available to farmers. The weather information services provided to farmers by the AAs will enable them to interpret the data and advice farmers accordingly. The farmers can then overcome the impacts of climate change by taking these measures. Such advisory service for providing information on weather have been a success in India for nearly 70 years since the time All India Radio started broadcasting the farmer’s weather forecast.
The latest service of this kind is the Integrated Agro-Meteorological Advisory Service (IAAS) was introduced in 2007.The agricultural advisories currently reach some 2.5 million smallholder farmers across India. Studies have shown that farmers receiving IAAS advisories have yields that are 10–15% higher, and costs that are 2–5% lower, than farmers not receiving the advisories, largely as a result of using more modern agricultural production technologies and practices, having better irrigation and pest/disease management and improved postharvest technologies.