Cropping Pattern

Cropping pattern refers to the proportionate area under different crops during an agricultural year and growing season refers to the period between bud burst and leaf fall.
No cropping pattern can be good for all times to come. But there is often a tendency for the cropping pattern to stabilize over a period of time in different agro-climatically homogeneous farming area. However, with the change in climate most prominent observation is the change in the length of growing season.
Thus to overcome the effect of climate change in the crops and receive the optimum benefits, cropping pattern has to be changed adaptation agriculture has to be adopted.
Example, changes in sowing timing of wheat have been observed amongst the farmers in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Due to the climate change, they have started sowing of wheat two weeks to one month prior the traditional sowing dates. Also, in general, late sown crop (e.g. wheat sown in December) are more prone to pest attack than timely sown crop (e.g. wheat sown in November).