Area specific Nutri-Dense cropping options should keep in mind the landscape, altitude and weather conditions of the area, as well as the particular nutritional deficiencies in the resident population. For instance, maize, soyabean, tomatoes and peas are suggested to meet the nitrogen deficiency in the soil for both Rajasthan and Bihar.

Special crops that supplement nutritional requirement for children are soyabean and maize, while for women, rajma, soyabean and millets.

Area specific Nutri-Dense cropping options:
  • Bihar: Potato, sweet potato, carrot, barley, small millets, tomatoes are required to fulfill vitamin deficiency. Cabbage, cauliflower, peas, chichkpea, pigeon pea, lentil, barley would result in protein and iron enrichments of diet.
  • Rajasthan: Potato, sweet potato, carrot, barley, small millets are required to fulfill vitamin deficiency. Cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, peas, chichkpea, pigeon pea, lentil, barley would result in protein and iron enrichments of diet.