How to make it?
Sand fences
Factors to be checked while making sand fences:
  • Wind speed
  • Direction
  • Permeability of fencing material
  • Height of sand fence
  • Ground slope
  • Topography of land
  • Amount of vegetation available to stabilize the accumulated sand
Design for a sand fence should account for:
  • The sand fence must be perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction
  • 40-60% permeability to wind
  • Firm anchoring of fence
  • Sand fences should be no more than 1.2 - 2m high
  • The fences and the interior grid must be regularly maintained and raised when the sand comes to 10 or 15 cm from their upper edge, so that they keep working effectively
  • The size of the mesh in the grid is determined by the intensity of the winds and the slopes and shapes of the dune
  • Determine the proper width and number of rows to be planted